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Horses for Sale

For more information please get in touch with Nele: or 0429 017 958

Price categories: all prices in Australian Dollars
A: $ 8000 - $ 10000
B: $ 10500 - $ 12000
C: $ 12500 - $ 15000
D: $ 15500 - $ 18000
E: $ 18500 and over

Solstjarna from Litli Stadur -  RIDDEN MARE

Price Category: E

DOB: 27.11.2018

FEIF ID: AU2018203051

F: Lotto von Svada-Kol-Kir (1st prize, imp. Germany)

M: Freyja fra Iliffs Icelandics (imp. Canada)

Solstjarna is a beautiful mare out of proven parents. She is a natural tolter and has been started under saddle in 2024 after having a foal. Solstjarna has a friendly character and is eager to meet people and learn. Because she is still quite green, a home with someone with riding and handling experience would be ideal. Currently Solstjarna is approximatley 135 cm at the withers, which is average height for an Icelandic horse. She has a solid build, is up to date with vaccinations and hoof care.

With Solstjarna someone will have a rare opportunity to buy a ridden, well bred mare that has proven to be a good broodmare as well. There is the opportunity to buy her in foal to our 1st prize stallion Kulur as a breeding package!

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Ljosmey from Haldane Icelandic HorsesExpressions of Interest

Category: C-D (depening on training level)

DOB: 19.01.2018

FEIF ID: AU2018203006

F: Haukur fra Studlum (1st prize, imp. Iceland)

M: Gledi fra Daeli (imp. Iceland)

Ljosmey is a stunning mare out of two imported parents. She is 5 gaited and shows all gaits at liberty in the paddock. She is a sensitive mare that needs to get to know her person. Ljosmey is currently being started under saddle. She has had a foal to our stallion Kulur in 2022 and is a great mother.

Ljosmey will only be available to the right home. She needs a calm and experienced person that can give her security and trust.

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Hrifandi from Litli Stadur

Category: A

DOB: 27.12.2022

FEIF ID: AU2022103055

F: Lotto von Svada-Kol-Kir (1st prize, imp. Germany)

M: Askja from Litli Stadur

Hrifandi is a beautiful, tall colt and Lotto's last offspring. He is 5 five gaited and shows all gaits in the paddock. Hrifandi has a beautiful character and temperament and has the potential to be a fantastic riding horse.

At the moment he is still a stallion, but will be gelded at point of sale.

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Hrydja from Litli Stadur

Category A

DOB: 16.11.2022

FEIF ID: AU2022203052

F: Kulur fra Haholti

M: Ljosmey from Haldane Icelandic Horses

Hrydja is a lovely, very tall, black filly out of Ljosmey from Haldanes and Kulur fra Haholti. She is super friendly, shows a lot of tolt and has very nice conformation. She will make a great riding and breeding horse when she grows up!

Draumur from Litli Stadur

Category: A

DOB: 19.12.2022

FEIF: AU2022103054

F: Kulur fra Haholti

M: Nattdis from Narrawin

Draumur is a really good looking gelding out of Nattdis from Narrawin and first prize stallion Kulur fra Haholti. He shows good movements, lots of tolt and has nice conformation. He has a lovely nature and is friendly but respectful. Draumur will make a very nice riding horse when he grows up.


Eyrun from Litli Stadur

Category A

DOB: 26.09.2023

FEIF ID: AU2023203052

F: Kulur fra Haholti

M: Svipa from Litli Stadur

Eyrun is a beautiful, well put together filly with good gaits and lovely temperament! She will be 5 gaited. Eyrun will be suitable for breeding and riding when she is old enough.


Stormur from Litli Stadur

Category A

DOB: 26.12.2023

FEIF ID: AU2023103054

F: Gneisti von Roetgen (imp. Germany)

M: Askja from Litli Stadur

Stormur is a stunning, red dun, 5 gaited colt (to be gelded). He is a very tall, solid and easy going boy. He has a friendly and fearless nature already and will grow into a lovely riding horse.

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